The Saint Boniface community embraces all through sharing God’s love in Liturgy, Outreach and Service to others.

St. Boniface Episcopal Church is a vibrant faith community dedicated to sharing Christ's message of love and salvation with the world. Our lives together are centered on worship, fellowship and service.

All are welcome to seek God's will through study and prayer, to share the good news of God’s love for us, and to use your God-given time, talents, and treasure to serve others.

If it is for just one Sunday, a few weeks or a lifetime, all are welcome at St. Boniface. Come worship our God and savior. Let the Lord enter your heart. Experience the joy of being part of a faith community. Come and celebrate life with Jesus Christ! Come as you are and go forth from this place with a mind to question, a heart to care, and hands to serve.

Prayer of the Week:

Jesus said: “If any of you would come after me, deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me.”

— Mark 8:34


St. Boniface Episcopal Church

Welcomes You to

The Third Sunday of Lent

March 23, 2025


In-Person services are live-streamed on our YouTube page.

Recurring Services and meetings

Please note all Zoom meetings held by St. Boniface are through the same link with the same password.

St. Boniface Zoom
Password: 903127

Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m., is the St. Boniface worship service.  The service will be streamed via YouTube

Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. Join Compline via a Zoom link. Gather for prayer and reflection; no video feed of you is required, so you can come in your PJs. Or turn on your video to see other parishioners.