St. Boniface is a community that celebrates all we have received from God by answering the call to be His servicing hands and heart. The Outreach Committee’s ministry is to develop, encourage and maintain opportunities for “hands on” ministry beyond our church walls and we are entrusted with providing direction for outreach funds pledged by our members.

Learn more about the organizations that St. Boniface is currently serving. 

Many hands make light work! Members and friends of St. Boniface had everything packed up and on its way in under two hours. Teamwork and togetherness made for a rewarding time together.


These organizations have volunteers from St. Boniface working with them. They also have volunteer opportunities available for others. If you are interested, contact the organization or talk with the St. Boniface contact listed below.

Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge—Dawn Smallish

The Gathering -- Nancy Jacobs

Email Dawn or Nancy via the church office.

Global Outreach

Karibu the kenyan-american reciprocal initiatives benefitting unity

KARIBU Ministries

To be published…